Welcome to our brand new 21-Day Meditation Experience, Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness guided by Alicia Keys and Deepak Chopra.
We are honored you’re joining us to explore the healing power of the Divine Feminine and bring wholeness to your life and the world around you.
Day 21 – Release into Complete Trust
“When we can remember and embody the divine feminine, there is a place of total security within us, and when we live there, we trust life because we have learned to trust ourselves.”
Alicia Keys
In Day 21, we learn how to find real trust and security within. We have been conditioned to believe that trust should be sought externally, even though we know everyone and everything around us is always changing and subject to forces beyond our individual control.
A better way to understand true security and trust is to recognize that the inner core of your being is the only thing that can give you a real experience of safety and trust. Your essential self has always been there throughout your life.
It is not dependent upon what your next thought or feeling might be. This presence of awareness does not need to be defended or protected – it simply is. Nothing can hurt it, and nothing can diminish it. It is your source of being, knowing, power, and purpose. When you know the full value of your present awareness you always feel secure and safe.
Question 1 of 4
Write down what trust means to you. What would it look like in your life to release into complete trust?
Question 2 of 4
Write down a few ways you can cultivate a sense of safety and security within.
Question 3 of 4
Imagine that you are writing a letter to yourself 10 years from now. With compassion and encouragement, you want to share with yourself everything you’ve learned and remembered about trusting yourself and trusting the safety and security within. What do you have to say? Write it down.
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
Today’s Centering Thought:
I Can Be Here Now in Complete Safety And Security.
Our Sanskrit Mantra:
Om Dum Durgayei.
I Align With the Nurturing, Protective Energy of The Universe.