Welcome to our brand new 21-Day Meditation Experience, Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness guided by Alicia Keys and Deepak Chopra.
We are honored you’re joining us to explore the healing power of the Divine Feminine and bring wholeness to your life and the world around you.
Day 20 – Follow the Path of Creativity
“In our path back to the Divine Feminine, everyone without exception is on the path of creativity. The source of all creativity is consciousness. The more consciousness you have, the more potential you have to create.”
Deepak Chopra
In Day 20, we explore the infinite source of creativity within us. In our path back to the Divine Feminine, everyone, without exception, is on the path of creativity.
The source of all creativity is consciousness. The more consciousness you have, the more potential you have to create. At the source, giving is never exhausted. Creativity is never used up. Once you realize this, the path of creativity shifts, you adjust your vision to the infinite.
As we meditate, we awaken to the present moment and set up the conditions for taking a creative quantum leap. We experience greater energy, love, and joy in our life.
Question 1 of 4
Write down what creativity means to you.
Question 2 of 4
Consider the ways in which you can cultivate creativity in your own life. Write down how you can renew and refresh your well of creativity every day.
Question 3 of 4
When you remember that you have an infinite source of creativity within, you can give generously from an overflowing cup. Write down how you will share your creativity, joy, affection, appreciation with others.
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
Today’s Centering Thought:
Creativity Allows Me to Give Generously
Our Sanskrit Mantra:
Om Shrim Aieem
I Align With the Creative, Abundant Energy of the Universe