Welcome to our brand new 21-Day Meditation Experience, Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness guided by Alicia Keys and Deepak Chopra.
We are honored you’re joining us to explore the healing power of the Divine Feminine and bring wholeness to your life and the world around you.
Day 18 – Experience the Fullness of Love
“By its nature, the true self is your channel to pure bliss-consciousness. Your share of bliss is unlimited. When someone falls in love, the whole world looks more beautiful, every person shines in the light of love, and life is perfect. Where did such a radical change come from? From the true self.”
Deepak Chopra
In Day 18, we explore the connection between pure love and our essential self. In our everyday sense of love, we may feel more or less deserving of love because it is generally understood as something given or withheld based on how we or others judge our behavior.
However, at the basis of awareness, our true self is love and joy itself. Our core being is the fullness of love. We always deserve love because our true self is infinite love.
This love is the pure nature of our Divine Feminine. When we connect with another person from this deepest level of our being, this is the love within us flowing to meet the love in another. When we love another person from our source, that love is always unconditional, and it is always full.
Question 1 of 4
Looking at every area of love in your life, give a number to how much you feel you deserve all this love, where 1 = Completely undeserving, 5 = Deserve about what I am experiencing now, and 10 = Deserve unconditional love.
Question 2 of 4
Write down two areas that need strengthening and that made you score yourself less than 10.
Question 3 of 4
List changes you can make to feel more loved and lovable. For example, spend time with young children, show more affection in your relationship, forgive old grudges, forgive yourself, and find activities that boost your self-worth.
Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
Today’s Centering Thought:
The Source of Love is Here in Me
Our Sanskrit Mantra:
Aham Prema
I am Divine Love